Affidavit: Video captures couple threatening daughter’s ex
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Affidavit: Video captures couple threatening daughter’s ex

Dec 23, 2023

A married couple is facing felony charges after police say the couple unlawfully entered the home of their daughter's ex-boyfriend and attacked him.

Around 3:20 p.m. April 29, a Hudson detective on a service call learned of an incident that occurred two days prior in the 500 block of Ash Street.

The victim of the incident reported he was involved in an intimate relationship with a woman, but they recently broke up. During their relationship, his ex-girlfriend's mother, 42-year-old Shirley Andrade, gifted him a cellphone.

On April 27, Andrade entered the victim's home uninvited with a weapon and assaulted him while demanding the phone back, according to arrest records. Three surveillance cameras captured footage of the incident.

The footage showed Andrade adjusting something near the small of her back while walking up the front door of the victim's home. About 10:11 p.m., she is seen ringing the doorbell.

Andrade waved at the doorbell camera as her husband, 38-year-old Samuel Osha, walked up to the front door to accompany her. The victim answered the door, and the three talked.

Andrade turned her back to the camera, and a bulge of a weapon could be seen tucked into her back waist area and beneath her shirt. The weapon was later identified as a meat tenderizer, arrest records said.

During the exchange, Andrade tried to convince the victim to come out of the house and follow them to the back. When the victim wouldn't go farther than the front porch, Andrade became aggressive, according to the victim.

Two of the victim's friends were standing near the front door but never intervened verbally or physically.

Osha held up a flashlight and threatened to beat everyone, the victim reported.

The victim said he didn't want to talk to them anymore and started to walk back inside. At this point, Andrade said she was going to pull out her weapon and beat him, according to arrest records.

Andrade and Osha stepped into the entryway of the victim's home. In the entryway, Andrade was pointing her finger in the victim's face and demanding the phone back. Osha also could be heard demanding the phone back on the video surveillance.

Andrade then walked about 6 feet into the house as the victim backed away, according to records. Osha began accusing the victim of hitting women, and Andrade pushed the victim with both hands while making demands for the phone, according to the footage.

The surveillance video showed the victim retreat back to the kitchen, but Andrade followed him. She was also seen on camera grabbing the meat tenderizer from her back. The victim then began yelling for his mother — who was believed to be asleep in the back bedroom.

In the kitchen, Andrade demanded the phone back and punched the victim in the face. The victim again asked the couple to leave his home and retreated to another location in the home, but Andrade continued to follow him.

Osha hugged Andrade from behind to prevent her from following the victim with the weapon in her hand, the arrest records said. During this time, she could be heard on camera continuing to yell threats toward the victim.

When Osha let go of Andrade, she proceeded to the back of the home and continued demanding the victim give back the phone.

A few moments later, the victim's father left the bedroom after being awoken by the disturbance. The victim repeatedly asked his father to tell the couple to leave. His plea was followed by Andrade delivering a close-handed backward strike to the right side of the victim's face, according to records.

Andrade turned to the victim's father and claimed his son had a phone that belonged to her. When the victim denied having the phone, Andrade spit at him, records said.

Andrade then stepped closer to the victim with the meat tenderizer in her hand, and the victim's father stepped between the two. Andrade then started threatening the victim's father, records state.

The video showed Osha restraining Andrade and carrying her through the kitchen as she attempted to break free. She turned to the victim after Osha let her go to say, "I’ll kill you," with the weapon still in hand, arrest records said.

Eventually, the couple left the house. The entire incident lasted five minutes, according to the surveillance video.

At 8 p.m. May 1, the detective contacted Osha riding his bicycle on his way to work.

Osha told the detective they went to the victim's residence to retrieve a vehicle from the back and confront the victim about his behavior toward Osha's daughter, he said. Osha admitted to not being invited into the home the night of the incident.

He also indicated the flashlight was to illuminate the backyard where the vehicle was located and that he did not wield it as a weapon to intimidate anyone.

The detective then pressed on for more answers about Andrade's weapon. Osha said his wife brought the weapon because the victim is a "psycho" but he also said the two never had a conversation about her bringing the weapon along, according to records.

As Hudson police detained Osha, a plastic cylinder container containing a crystalized substance, which later tested positive for 8 grams of methamphetamine, was found in his pocket, according to arrest records.

Police also later spoke to Andrade outside of her residence. The detective placed her under arrest and took her into custody.

At the Hudson Police Department, Andrade told the detective her daughter ended an intimate relationship with the victim in the days leading up to the incident. Andrade said she became upset when she discovered her daughter may have been assaulted by the victim during their relationship.

The reason behind going to the victim's residence was to retrieve a vehicle belonging to her, as well as her daughter's items and a phone, Andrade told police. After ringing the doorbell, Andrade said the victim invited her inside.

When she demanded back certain items, she said, the victim refused to provide them. She also claimed to use self-defense when she hit the victim because he was in her face.

Initially, Andrade denied being armed during the incident. Once the detective reminded her there was video surveillance at the residence, she admitted she had a meat tenderizer. She said she accidentally left the weapon in her back pocket area because she typically carries household items in her back pocket around the house.

When leaving the home, the couple took the car from the residence with permission from the victim's father, according to Andrade. The victim's father confirmed he told the two to take the vehicle.

On May 1, both Osha and Andrade were booked into the Weld County Jail.

Andrade faces charges of attempted aggravated robbery, criminal attempt, first-degree burglary, menacing, third-degree assault and harassment.

Osha faces charges of attempted aggravated robbery, criminal attempt, first-degree burglary, menacing, third-degree assault, harassment, complicity and possession of a controlled substance.

Weld Judge John Briggs set Osha's bond to $15,000, which he posted on May 2, according to online records said. Andrade on Wednesday posted a $35,000 bond set by Briggs.

The Weld County District Attorney's Office has until 3:30 p.m. Friday to file formal charges in the case against both suspects.

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