Restaurant health inspections in Polk County: See violations Aug. 23
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Restaurant health inspections in Polk County: See violations Aug. 23

Sep 06, 2023

These are recent restaurant inspection reports for Polk County — from Aug. 23 to Aug. 28 — filed by state safety and sanitation inspectors.

The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation describes an inspection report as a "snapshot" of conditions present at the time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in their most recent inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment.

Please note that some more recent, follow-up inspections may not be included here.

4756 South Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

14 total violations, with 5 high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Employee drank from open container and then engaged in food preparation- cutting peppers without washing hands. Stopped employee and had them change gloves and wash hands **Warning**

-- High Priority - Employee rubbed hands together for less than 10-15 seconds while washing hands. Employee swept up food in kitchen and washed hands for a total of 5 seconds and turned off water with bare hand and not paper towel. **Warning**

-- High Priority - Raw shelled eggs in walk in cooler stored over drinks. Raw cracked shelled eggs stored over cooked chicken **Warning**

-- High Priority - Single-use gloves not changed as needed after changing tasks or when damaged or soiled. Employee handled personal cellphone and engaged in food preparation without washing hands. **Warning**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Flat top grill: cooked broccoli (48°F - Cold Holding). No **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Food being cooled by nonapproved method as evidenced by inadequate rate of cooling during time of inspection. Speed rack of rice and quinoa cooling in kitchen at room temperature. Had cook move speed rack to walk in cooler and educated **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Rack and garbage can blocking hand sink on cook line. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at Observed 7 employees engaged in food preparation **Warning**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. On cook line **Warning**

-- Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Observed bottle of clear liquid on front counter with no label **Warning**

-- Basic - Employee drinking from open container while cutting peppers in the back prep area. Told employee they needed a lid and straw and not to do it while prepping food **Warning**

-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items. Female employees cellphone was on green cutting board on cook line. I asked employee to put away phone and they moved it to a food storage shelf next to boxes of salt and pepper **Warning**

-- Basic - Raw vegetables not washed prior to preparation. Observed employees cutting raw peppers and zucchini without washing. Educated team and had them wash produce **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**

Aug. 9-14:Polk County restaurant inspections: 1 closure last week and several warnings

Aug. 2-7:Restaurant inspections in Polk County: Who made the grade, and who was warned?

July 26-31:Restaurant inspections in Polk County: Who made the grade and who didn't?

4810 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Nine total violations, with five high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Employee touched cellphone and then engaged in food preparation, handled cooked chicken without washing hands and changing gloves. Educated employee **Warning**

-- High Priority - Observed employee squeegee dirty water that overflowed from drain under ice machine outside back door. **Warning**

-- High Priority - Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food in walk in cooler. Raw eggs over pre-made cubans **Warning**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook make line: cut cabbage (49°F - Cold Holding); feta (51°F - Cold Holding); shredded parm (50°F - Cold Holding); coleslaw (50°F - Cold Holding); shredded cheddar (48°F). Employee started icing product. **Warning**

-- High Priority - Toxic substance improperly stored. Observed pack of cigarettes on cook line. Employee moved them to back prep table **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Hand sink in corner on cook line blocked by trash can **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Chris McDonaled- exp 8-12-2021 **Warning**

-- Basic - Floor drain under ice machine overflowing due to blockage. Employee removed food debris and water started going down drain **Warning**

-- Basic - Floor not cleaned when the least amount of food is exposed. Food buildup behind chicken battering make table **Warning**

5650 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Six total violations, with four high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Observed cook handle cooked chicken tenders with bare hands. Had manager educate employee and had them wash hands and put on gloves. Manager discarded tenders. **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**

-- High Priority - Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed 4 live flies in back kitchen by dish machine **Warning**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Saute/ upright holding unit: pork ribs (48°F - Cold Holding); american cheese (48°F - Cold Holding); grits (45°F - Cold Holding); ground beef (48°F - Cold Holding). Manager started icing product and already has service call in. **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Observed vaping device on shelf next to lids. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Proof of required state approved employee training not available for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**

-- Basic - Opened employee beverage container in a cold holding unit with food to be served to customers. Open powerade in walk in cooler next to dressings. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

6011 Cypress Garden Blvd, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

11 total violations, with 3 high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Employee washed hands with no soap. Employee wash his hands with no soap. I had the employee to was his hands with soap. **Corrected On-Site**

-- High Priority - Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed 12 flies in the dishwasher area..

-- High Priority - Raw animal food stored over produce. Raw beef and shrimp over washed cabbage and zucchini inside the walk in cooler. Advised the operator to arrange the walk in cooler and gave him a food storage chart. **Repeat Violation**

-- Intermediate - Employee washed hands in a sink other than an approved handwash sink. At the 3 compartment sink. I had the employee to wash his hands at a designated hand washing sink. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Dishwasher area.

-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Spray bottle with clear liquid inside the bottle. Operator labeled the bottle as water. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Bag of sugar and a bag of tempura mix. Dry storage/ dishwasher area. Operator removed the product from off the floor. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Insect control device installed over food preparation area. Over the prep table across from the 3 compartment sink. Operator removed the bug zapper. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Reach in cooler gasket at the sushi station .

-- Basic - Reuse of single-service or single-use articles. Plastic jug cut to be used as a scoop inside the cooked bulk rice. I had the operator to discard the plastic container. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Stored food not covered. A case of chicken nuggets and French fries inside the 3 door freezer next to the walk in cooler.

2400 Ef Griffin Road, Bartow

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

10 total violations, with 3 high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Dishmachine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dishmachine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dishmachine is repaired and sanitizing properly. Tested at 10ppm. Had employee change out sanitizer and tested at 50ppm **Corrective Action Taken**

-- High Priority - Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Employee handled ret lettuce tomato and onion with bare hands. I educated employee and had them put gloves on. And employee discarded product. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Container of soapy water stored on make line next to cut lettuce and tomatoes. Had cook move it

-- Intermediate - No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at Currently 4 cooks working

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris inside and outside warewashing machine. As well as lime scale buildup on inside.

-- Basic - In-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed tongs in third pan in water temping at 114 degrees. Had cook removed them and empty water **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Insect control device installed over food preparation area. Observed yellow fly catcher on salad cook line by clean utensils l had employee remove **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Spray hose missing at plumbing fixture, at dish sink

-- Basic - Stored food not covered. Pans of fish, cut tomatoes in walk in cooler

-- Basic - Walk-in cooler shelves with rust that has pitted the surface.

1151 Havendale Blvd, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Nine total violations, with three high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Employee cracked raw shell eggs and then handled ready-to-eat food and/or clean equipment or utensils without washing hands. Employee cracked eggs then handled cooked bacon. I had the employee to discard the bacon, remove her gloves and wash her hands and put on a new pair of gloves. employee touched her hair then handled food. I had the employee to wash her hands. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. tuna (50°F - Cold Holding); chicken salad (50°F - Cold Holding); feta cheese (49°F - Cold Holding); sausage links (49°F - Cold Holding) inside the flip top reach in cooler across from the fryers **Warning**

-- High Priority - tuna (50°F - Cold Holding); chicken salad (50°F - Cold Holding); feta cheese (49°F - Cold Holding); sausage links (49°F - Cold Holding) inside the flip top reach in cooler across from the fryers Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Employee washed hands in a sink other than an approved handwash sink. Employee washed his hands at the 3 compartment sink in the ice machine area. I had the employee to use a designated hand washing sink. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Ice dumped in hand washing sink. Pitcher filled at the hand washing sink. Located in the kitchen. Operator removed the pitcher. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items. Employee blue jean bag stored on the top shelf above the flip top reach in cooler across from the fryers. Operator removed the purse. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Basic - Light not functioning. Hood system **Warning**

-- Basic - Lights in food preparation, food storage or warewashing area missing the proper shield, sleeve coatings or covers. Walk in freezer. **Warning**

-- Basic - Reuse of single-service or single-use articles. Cottage cheese container used to store mushrooms inside the side by side reach in cooler next to the fryers. **Warning**

2073 US Hwy 92, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Six total violations, with two high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Sausage links 51°. Product was moved to the reach in cooler to cool down. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food, other than whole meat roast, hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Potatoes 128°. Cook line. I had the employee to heat the product to 165°. For hot holding. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Next to the ice machine. Employee replaced the paper towels. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. Storage pans on the shelf next to the hand washing sink in the kitchen entrance area.

-- Basic - No copy of latest inspection report available. 2/4/2021 last inspection report.

-- Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored. Case of 16 oz/20 oz foam cup lids. On the floor in the bar area. Employee removed the lids from off the floor. **Corrected On-Site**

1568 Town Center Dr, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 24.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Six total violations, with two high-priority violations:

-- High Priority - Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed 3 live flying insect by blender station and hand sink at pickup station. Observed 2 flying insects on bread rack. Observed 6 live flying insects under dish machine **Repeat Violation**

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold sandwich station: butter (72°F - Cold Holding). Butter was taken out of refrigerator at 9am. Employee stated they usually leave it out. Spoke with manager that butter needs to be held using time or temperature control. Sent paperwork to hold using time to manager **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Lid Handle and gasket torn on flatbread make table, and salad station make table. Microwave door handle broken, at hot sandwich build station

-- Basic - Hole in or other damage to wall. In back prep area to left of ice machine. Also several wall tiles are cracked, broken and missing

-- Basic - Insect control device installed over food preparation area. Observed two yellow trap devices hanging from rack in back prep area over prep sink and three compartment sink. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Label on a food item prepared and packaged onsite for customer self-service does not include product identity/description, date product was packaged and name and address of the establishment that prepared and packaged the food. Grab n go rice crispies, cookies and brownies baked on site, then wrapped and displayed for customers to grab

3750 Lakeside Village Ct, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 24.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

14 total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Dishmachine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dishmachine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dishmachine is repaired and sanitizing properly. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Racks were blocking two of the four hand washing stations at dish area. Manager moved racks **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris on exterior of warewashing machine. **Warning**

-- Basic - All Interior microwaves on cook line has accumulation food debris. **Warning**

-- Basic - Drain cover missing. On cook line **Warning**

-- Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Freezer door latch broke and door cannot close properly **Warning**

-- Basic - Floor area covered with standing water. Next to cook line and floor drain. Also both drains at dish washing stations are blocked. No water backing up from drain. But will fill with water and go onto floor. Manager has plumber coming out **Warning**

-- Basic - Floors not maintained smooth and durable. Grout missing throughout kitchen causing water and food debris to become stuck **Warning**

-- Basic - Ice buildup in walk-in freezer. **Warning**

-- Basic - Light not functioning. At expo station, and dish station **Warning**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Exteriors of all microwaves, printers on cook lines soiled with food debris **Warning**

-- Basic - Standing water in floor drain on cook line and in both drains at dish machine area **Warning**

-- Basic - Wall soiled with accumulated grease, and black mild like substance in dish area **Warning**

July 19-24:Polk County restaurant inspections: Who made the grade — and who didn't?

July 12-17:Polk County restaurant inspections: Who made the grade — and who didn't?

July 5-10:Restaurant inspections in Polk: Who made the grade and who - ew - didn't?

3611 US 98 N, Pt 122, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards.

Seven total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Quaternary ammonium sanitizer not at proper minimum strength for manual warewashing. Do not use equipment/utensils not properly sanitized. Observed Triple Sink (Quaternary 100ppm, employee drained to refill. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris on exterior of warewashing machine. Observed on top area of machine.

-- Basic - Clean utensils or equipment stored in dirty drawer or rack. Observed utensils in soiled container on clean dish storage shelf, manager moved to dish area for cleaning. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Observed gasket in disrepair on reach in freezer, on cookline.

-- Basic - Floor soiled/has accumulation of debris. Observed on sides of ice machine.

-- Basic - Floor tiles missing and/or in disrepair and/or in disrepair. Observed cracked tiles in dish area.

-- Basic - Interior of oven/microwave has accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris. Observed soiled interior of hot holding unit CVAP unit.

301 Third St Sw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Six total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Raw chicken stored over raw pork in walk-in cooler. operator moved chicken. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Food dicer. Operator washed, rinsed and sanitized. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. bag of sugar on floor in stockroom. Operator moved sugar to shelf. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Bottom of soda head on soda machine. Asked employee to clean. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored. Large to-go boxes stored on floor in stockroom. Operator moved to-go containers. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Unclean building components, attachments or fixtures. Fan guards in walk-in cooler with dust buildup

7870 Lake Wilson Road, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Six total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food.raw beef over cut melons inside the walk in cooler. Operator relocated the beef. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Establishment has no written procedures for employees to follow in response to a vomiting or diarrheal event where the vomit or diarrhea is discharged onto surfaces in the establishment.

-- Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Plastic container used to dip bbq sauce. On top of the flat top reach in cooler.

-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food. Red plaid shirt on the shelf with Bonita Soup stock in the dry storage area. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Food stored in a location that is exposed to splash. Bowl of tempura batter near the hand washing sink in the kitchen near the fryers. Operator relocated the tempura batter. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - In-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. White rice spoon in water at 84° on the table next to the rice cooker. Operator discarded the water. **Corrected On-Site**

2432 Sand Mine Road, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Six total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Eggs over shrimp In the walk in cooler. Operator relocated the eggs. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Can opener including the blade is heavily soiled.located at the end of the prep table next to the flip top reach in cooler. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for all employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. 8/1/2018 **Warning**

-- Basic - No conspicuously located ambient air temperature thermometer in holding unit. Walk in cooler and all reach in coolers. **Warning**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Hood filters Reach in coolers gaskets (all) Exterior of rice cooker. Exterior of bulk food containers. **Warning**

-- Basic - Walk-in cooler/freezer shelves with rust that has pitted the surface. Walk in cooler Bottom of the upright freezer near the hand washing sink in the kitchen. **Warning**

1470 N Broadway Ave, Bartow

Complaint inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Vacuum breaker missing at mop sink splitter added to mop sink faucet. Discussed adding backflow preventer to splitter or cutting hose.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Orange juice dispenser soiled with debris around nozzles, as well as specialty coffee, milk and smoothie machines. Manager started cleaning **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. At coffee station. Manager refilled **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Floor not cleaned when the least amount of food is exposed. At cook station

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Gaskets soiled with food debris in burger cooler. All gaskets soiled in coolers at coffee station

1551 3rd St Sw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Raw chicken behind raw fish in reachin cooler in kitchen area. Operator moved raw chicken to front and fish behind. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed service rinsed bottle in hand washing sink. Operator explained to use 3-compartment sink. **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Bar area Operator replaced paper towels. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Bottom of soda machine heads on serviceline. Manager had employee wash, rinse and sanitize. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Unclean building components, attachments or fixtures. Fan guards in walk-in cooler. Operator had the fans guards cleaned. **Corrected On-Site**

4114 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Complaint inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Bottle of windex by lids. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed ice cream scoop in hand sink. Employee removed from sink. Employee removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. Portions of gravy made day prior not date marked. Manager dated product **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation.

-- Basic - Light not functioning. At cook line on one on hood system burnt out

1490 N Broadway Ave, Bartow

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Sani bucket next to pack of bacon by make line. Bottle of glass cleaner on top of prep table. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Fan blocking hand sink next to ice machine. Manager moved fan **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink, by ice machine. Manager refilled and put batteries in dispenser **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Water shut off at employee handwash sink. By hand sink. Manager turned water on. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. Observed 4 employees engaged in food preparation.

2215 S Combee Road, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Four total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Pesticide/insecticide labeled for household use only present in establishment. Operator voluntarily discarded. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Accumulation of dead or trapped birds, insects, rodents, or other pests, in control devices.observed approximately 60 dead flying insects on tape hanging from ceiling next to side exit in kitchen. Operator removed when prompted. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured.

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed box frozen chicken tender fritters on floor in freezer. Operator removed from the floor when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

904 E Hinson Ave, Haines City

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Chicken 45° on the table next to the fryers. Operator put ice under the product. **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. Employee cooking in the back kitchen area.

-- Basic - Interior of oven/microwave has accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris. Black microwave on shelf above the prep table across from the walk in cooler.

1610 Town Center Dr, Lakeland

Licensing inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Bottle of cleaner by pizza pans. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. In back kitchen. Pan of thawing chicken in back hand sink Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Time/temperature control for safety food thawed in an improper manner. Observed pan of chicken thawing in hand sink. Bag of pasta thawing on towels. Manager moved to walk in cooler **Corrected On-Site**

4625 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Bottle of purell surface sanitizer stored on shelf next to coffee filters in drive thru section. Manager removed **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Buildup of food debris residue on equipment door handles and doors of chicken thawing cabinets. Manager had employee start cleaning doors **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - Equipment or utensils not designed or constructed in a durable manner. Labels torn on storage pans and biscuit directions on prep table torn.

1568 Town Center Dr, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Follow-up needed: Administrative complaint recommended.

Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - - From initial inspection : High Priority - Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed 3 live flying insect by blender station and hand sink at pickup station. Observed 2 flying insects on bread rack. Observed 6 live flying insects under dish machine **Repeat Violation** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: Observed 2 flying insects under dish pit. Observed 2 flying insects in smoothie area. Manager eradicated 1 insect **Admin Complaint** **Corrective Action Taken**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Lid Handle and gasket torn on flatbread make table, and salad station make table. Microwave door handle broken, at hot sandwich build station - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Hole in or other damage to wall. In back prep area to left of ice machine. Also several wall tiles are cracked, broken and missing - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

4756 South Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Time extension given to correct earlier problems.

Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - - From initial inspection : High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Flat top grill: cooked broccoli (48°F - Cold Holding). No **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-27: Manager holding using time as a public health control. Time marking observed on whiteboard. Paperwork not available, will observe at next callback . **Time Extended**

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-27: no training available **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items. Female employees cellphone was on green cutting board on cook line. I asked employee to put away phone and they moved it to a food storage shelf next to boxes of salt and pepper **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-27: Phone in same spot **Time Extended**

2930 Avenue Nw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Two total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - In-use utensil stored in unclean water at or above 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Utensils by warmer. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**

115 State Road 557A, Lake Alfred

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Observed raw shell eggs stored over salad , employee moved raw shell eggs to bottom shelf. **Corrected On-Site**

511 Cypress Gardens Blvd, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

One violation, with one high-priority violation:

-- High Priority - - From initial inspection : High Priority - Vacuum breaker missing at hose bibb or on fitting/splitter added to hose bibb. Spray hose attached under 3-compartment sink **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-23: Vacuum hose not attached under 3-compartment sink. **Time Extended**

7880 Lake Wilson Road, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

10 total violations, with no high-priority violations.-- Intermediate - Employee washed hands in a sink other than an approved handwash sink. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Establishment has no written procedures for employees to follow in response to a vomiting or diarrheal event where the vomit or diarrhea is discharged onto surfaces in the establishment. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Tin can with utensils in the hand washing sink near the backdoor. Operator removed the utensils. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. General chicken inside the walk in cooler. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for all employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**

-- Basic - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Next to the 3 compartment sink. **Warning**

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Container of chicken on the in the back prep area. Operator removed the chicken from off the floor. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Basic - In-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Scoop and knife in water at 80°. Employee discarded the water knives between reach in cooler and prep table. Employee removed the knives. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Exterior of the rice cooker next to the prep area. **Warning**

-- Basic - Operator does not permit customers to use bathroom. Informed the person in charge the customers must have access to the bathroom. Employee opened the bathroom for customers to use. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**

25 SW 6 St, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

10 total violations, with no high-priority violations.-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Hand washing sink in the kitchen. The manager replaced the paper towels. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. On the blue interior panel on both sides. Ice bin at the beverage station in the drive thru.

-- Basic - Employee beverage container on a food storage area. Beverage on a shelf next to a case of wild honey mustard sauce. Dry storage area. The manager discarded the beverage. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, or single-service items. Backpack on the shelf with dry storage near the honey sauce packets. Dry storage area. Manager removed the backpack.

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. Pans on the shelf across from the 3 compartment sink. **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Floor tiles in disrepair and/or in disrepair. In front of the 3 compartment sink.

-- Basic - Garbage on the ground and/or pad around dumpster. Manager had an employee to pick the trash from off the ground son the dumpster pad. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - No copy of latest inspection report available.

-- Basic - Open dumpster lid. Employee closed the dumpster lid. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Reach-in cooler interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues. Single door upright reach in cooler in the kitchen.

797 3 St Sw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Ice in bottom of hand washing sink in kitchen area. Bag of to small to use tenders in hand washing sink on cookline.

-- Intermediate - Incorrect chemical test kit provided for measuring the concentration of the sanitizer solution used in the three-compartment sink.

-- Basic - Accumulation of calcium- like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin.

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. 1/3 mental pans on clean dish rack.

-- Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Fry baskets has loose wires on 2 baskets.

1142 6 Street NW, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Operator replaced the paper towels. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Bag of tempura batter and granulated sugar. Operator removed the items from off the floor. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Light not functioning. Dry storage closet.

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. White small shelf near the dry storage closet.

-- Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored. A case of individual straws . Kitchen area.

4960 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris. Can opener blade soiled with debris **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink removed from food preparation/dishwashing area. Must be reinstalled in the same location where removed. Hand sink missing by fryers. Verified plans **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Bottle of clear liquid in dish area **Warning**

-- Basic - Accumulation of black mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine guard **Warning**

-- Basic - Floor has accumulation of debris in walk in cooler **Warning**

3108 US Hwy 98 North, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Coffee filters not stored in a protected manner to prevent contamination. Observed on top of coffee machine

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed boxed soda and juice containers on floor in walk in cooler.

-- Basic - Open dumpster lid.

-- Basic - Intermediate - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine.

7032 N Church Ave, Mulberry

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed container in sink at front, employee removed container from sink. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris on exterior of warewashing machine. Observed on top area of machine. **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Accumulation of pinkish debris in the interior of the ice machine. Observed on interior shield.

-- Basic - Ice buildup in walk-in freezer. Observed around door.

1515 Bartow Road, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - No probe thermometer provided to measure temperature of food products.

-- Basic - Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured. Observed next to soft serve machine.

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed containers of cooking oil and soda cans on floor in rear of kitchen. Operator removed from the floor when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - No handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees. Observed at Hand Washing Sink next to reach in cooler. Operator replaced when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Single-service articles not stored inverted or protected from contamination.Operator inverted when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

4266 US 98 N, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards.

Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed utensils stored in sink on cookline.

-- Intermediate - No soap provided at handwash sink. Observed on cookline, operator provided soap. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Observed bowl in corn starch, manager removed bowl from food. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed cases of food on floor in walk-in cooler and freezer.

-- Basic - In-use knife/knives stored in cracks between pieces of equipment. Observed knife stored between flip top unit and table, manager removed knife from between equipment. **Corrected On-Site**

49503 Hwy 27, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Four total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. Employee cooking fries and chicken nuggets.

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. Pans on the shelf above the 2 compartment sink. **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Reach in cooler gaskets under the sandwich table. **Repeat Violation**

-- Basic - Wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry. Mop inside a blue mop bucket near the mop sink.

122 Commonwealth Ave, Polk City

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Four total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed debris on can opener blade.

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris in the interior of the ice machine. Observed on interior shield.

-- Basic - Floor soiled/has accumulation of debris. Observed under kitchen equipment.

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed debris and grease on sides of cookline equipment.

2020 Shepherd Road, Mulberry

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Four total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. Observed on sausage gravy in walk in cooler.

-- Basic - No copy of latest inspection report available.

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed debris on shelf on center of cookline.

-- Basic - Reach-in freezer interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues. Observed in 3-door unit in kitchen.

709 Canal St E, Mulberry

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Observed in unisex restroom, operator replenished paper towels. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - No soap provided at handwash sink. Observed at front counter, operator replenished soap. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed debris on gaskets in reach in cooler by front counter.

1142 Texas Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - No chemical test kit provided when using sanitizer at three-compartment sink/warewashing machine.

-- Basic - Ceiling not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable in food preparation, food storage, or warewashing areas.

4700 Melody Ln, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed boxed carrots on floor in walk in freezer Operator placed 6 inches above ground **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - In-use ice scoop stored on soiled surface between uses. Observed on top of ice machine. Operator removed ice scoop handle when prompted **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - No handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees. Observed at hand washing sign missing at hand washing sink next to ware washing machine. Operator replaced hand washing sign when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

235 N Kentucky Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Cutting board(s) stained/soiled.observed at cook line.

-- Basic - Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured.

-- Basic - Coffee filters not stored in a protected manner to prevent contamination. Observed near coffee preparation area and machine. Operator placed in a plastic container **Corrected On-Site**

101 E Memorial Blvd, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance on/around soda dispensing nozzles. Observed at soft serve next to drive thru. Operator cleaned soft serve machine **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Build-up of grease/dust/debris on hood filters. Observed at cook line.

-- Basic - Ceiling not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable in food preparation, food storage, or warewashing areas.

4620 S Florida Ave Unit 130, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. On cook line. Buss buckets on floor blocking access to sink. Manager removed buckets **Corrected On-Site**

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. On cook line. Manager replaced **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed. Current copy expired 2-1-2021. Emailed electronic licensing information to manager to be able to print license **Corrective Action Taken**

225 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance. Observed above food preparation in establishment

-- Basic - Employee wearing jewelry other than a plain ring on their hands/arms while preparing food.

-- Basic - Sanitizer bucket stored with food, equipment, utensils, linens, single-service, or single-use articles. Observed two sanitizer buckets stored on floor. Operator placed them in a double bucket when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

3062 Cypress Gardens Road, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Commercially processed ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. Mozzarella cheese inside the walk in cooler.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Can opener blade. At the end of the prep table in the back prep area.

-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. Employee making pizza.

3615 Havendale Blvd, Auburndale

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed ice chute on soft drink machine.

-- Basic - Open dumpster lid.

-- Basic - Wiping cloth chlorine sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. Observed Sanitizer Bucket (Chlorine 200ppm); Sanitizer Bucket (Chlorine 100ppm). Employee replaced with new container.

1709 Shepherd Road, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Time extension given to correct earlier problems.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - Food service manager not certified within 30 days of employment. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at GM david medders hired 2 months ago **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-18: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - Manager or person in charge lacking proof of food manager certification. David medders- current gm **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-18: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for employee hired more than 60 days ago. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-18: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

3750 Lakeside Village Ct, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Freezer door latch broke and door cannot close properly **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Floors not maintained smooth and durable. Grout missing throughout kitchen causing water and food debris to become stuck **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Light not functioning. At expo station, and dish station **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended**

2300 Deer Creek Commerce Ln, Suite 300, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards.

Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Bathroom door left open other than during cleaning or maintenance. Person in charge closed the door. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area. Cell phone on the prep table next to the slicer . Kitchen area next to the hand washing sink.

7840 Osceloa Polk Line Road, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Establishment has no written procedures for employees to follow in response to a vomiting or diarrheal event where the vomit or diarrhea is discharged onto surfaces in the establishment.

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. Pans on the shelf across from the beverage syrup rack.

3035 Thornhill Road, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Can opener

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink.

1151 Havendale Blvd, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Ice dumped in hand washing sink. Pitcher filled at the hand washing sink. Located in the kitchen. Operator removed the pitcher. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-26: Used as a dump sink. **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Light not functioning. Hood system **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-26: Light out. **Time Extended**

214 E Canal St, Mulberry

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Observed expired 05/2021

-- Basic - Garbage on the ground and/or pad around dumpster.

600 Cypress Gardens Blvd, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried - wet nesting. 1/2 pans

-- Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored. Togo cups on floor in frontline.

103 Ambersweet Way, Davenport

Licensing inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink.

-- Intermediate - No soap provided at handwash sink.

465 Havendale Blvd, Auburndale

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed debris on gaskets on cookline reach in cooler. Observed soiled table top under soft drink machine at pick up window.

-- Basic - Open dumpster lid.

3370 N Road 98, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Coffee filters not stored in a protected manner to prevent contamination. Observed in preparation area. Operator placed in a plastic container when prompted. **Corrected On-Site**

-- Basic - Current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed.

7900 Lake Wilson Road, Davenport

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Follow-up needed: Warning issued.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Establishment has no written procedures for employees to follow in response to a vomiting or diarrheal event where the vomit or diarrhea is discharged onto surfaces in the establishment. **Warning**

-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for all employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. 12/15/2016 **Warning**

221 Commonwealth Ave N, Polk City

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris in the interior of the ice machine. Observed debris on interior shield.

-- Basic - Plumbing system in disrepair. Unable to turn on hot water from faucet handle, hot water valve used to turn on and off.

203 Magnolia Ave, Auburndale

Routine inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Accumulation of debris on exterior of warewashing machine. Observed on top area of machine.

-- Basic - Standing water or very slow draining water in handwash sink, three-compartment sink, or mop sink. Observed in handwash sink near cookline.

1568 Town Center Dr, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Equipment in poor repair. Lid Handle and gasket torn on flatbread make table, and salad station make table. Microwave door handle broken, at hot sandwich build station - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-26: **Time Extended**

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Hole in or other damage to wall. In back prep area to left of ice machine. Also several wall tiles are cracked, broken and missing - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-26: **Time Extended**

315 Commonwealth Ave N, Polk City

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

One violation, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed debris on sides of kitchen equipment.

5937 Cypress Garden Blvd, Suite 100, Winter Haven

Complaint inspection Aug. 25.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

One violation, with no high-priority violations.

-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Soiled reach-in cooler gaskets. All flip top reach in coolers. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-25: Soiled **Time Extended**

217 N Wabash Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

One violation, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - Food manager certification expired. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at Observed expired date as 5/19/21 **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-27: Operator is new and within 60 days of hire, and started after last inspection **Time Extended**

3008 Rifle Range Road South, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards.

One violation, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Microwave Cutting broad

4810 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

One violation, with no high-priority violations.

-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - Required employee training expired for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Chris McDonaled- exp 8-12-2021 **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-08-27: **Time Extended**

5010 County Line Road, Lakeland

Licensing inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards.

No violations were found.

1800 Highway 559, Polk City

Licensing inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards.

No violations were found.

5650 S Florida Ave, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 26.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

No violations were found.

3725 Harden Blvd, Lakeland

Licensing inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards.

No violations were found.

1518 7 St Sw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

No violations were found.

875 1St St Sw, Winter Haven

Routine inspection Aug. 23.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

No violations were found.

3621 Florida Avenue, Lakeland

Routine inspection Aug. 24.

Met standards; earlier problems corrected.

No violations were found.

7400 State Road 60 E, Bartow

Licensing inspection Aug. 27.

Met standards.

No violations were found.

Aug. 9-14: Aug. 2-7: July 26-31: July 19-24: July 12-17: July 5-10: