Ukraine war: Zelensky says counter
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Ukraine war: Zelensky says counter

Oct 03, 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said his military is almost ready to launch its much-anticipated offensive move against Russian invaders, but will need more time and aid from Western countries.

However, an expert warned that any offensive from Kyiv has been "highly compromised" and lost the element of surprise, saying it was likely to end up being another "extremely bloody attritional meat-grinder of a battle".

"With [what we already have] we can go forward, and, I think, be successful," Mr Zelensky said on Thursday. "But we’d lose a lot of people. I think that's unacceptable. So we need to wait. We still need a bit more time."

His comments came as Defence Secretary Ben Wallace revealed that the UK had delivered its first tranche of long-range missiles to Ukraine ahead of the expected counter-offensive. Ministry of Defence sources told i that the UK had provided Storm Shadow cruise missiles to boost Kyiv's defence against President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Rishi Sunak is understood to have received assurances from Mr Zelensky that the missiles will not be used for anything other than defensive purposes.

Dr Simon Anglim, a military historian at King's College London, said any move from Kyiv in response to Russia's latest wave of missile strikes will have "no element of surprise, thanks to it being announced in advance and the thousands of hot takes on social media, many of them from people who really ought to know better".

He told i that Kyiv will probably focus its efforts on "retaking a key town or city but the real objective is to force the Russians to fight for it".

"It will probably look like every other battle since 2022 – an extremely bloody attritional meat-grinder of a battle with the front unlikely to move too far in either direction," he added.

Currently, the possibility of talks to end the fighting are off the table, as both sides have vowed to fight for victory. Mr Zelensky offered a peace proposal earlier on in the war, calling for reparation payments for infrastructural damage wrought by the invasion, the creation of a tribunal to prosecute Russian war crimes, and the return of all invaded Ukrainian territory. Moscow rejected this.

Dr Anglim said the Ukrainian President needed a "clear vision" of how the offensive would end "and end well" for his country.

"[Mr Zelensky] needs to decide what he wants the map of Ukraine and the surrounding area to look like when the fighting is over and come up with a concept of how he gets there with what he has available. He might also need to tailor this one way or the other as the situation evolves."

Speaking at his headquarters in Kyiv, Mr Zelensky said his combat brigades were "ready" to launch, but said the army still needed "some things", including armoured vehicles.

"He needs to produce a clear explanation of the part the equipment Western governments are providing him is going to play in all of this, with some detail of operations, times, locations and objectives," Dr Anglim added. "Flannel of ‘the mailed fist of democracy will punch the Russians all the way back to Moscow’ won't cut the mustard. We need hard details if we are going to continue subsidising him."

So far, countries including the US, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Spain, The Netherlands and Nordic countries are among those who have sent military aid to Kyiv.

Bart Cammaerts, Professor of Politics and Communication at the London School of Economics, told i that it was important not to take everything the Ukrainian government said at face value.

"Strategic communication in war times is complex, multi-layered and is often targeted at a variety of audiences and constituencies; the local population, the enemy, allies, etc," he said.

"Also, what is being said publicly is not always what is actually happening on the ground or behind the scene. So we always need to be careful not to take everything that the Ukrainian government is putting out there at face value, just as we don't with the Russian government."

He said that the Ukrainians could be ready to go on the offensive, "but want the outside world – and the Russians in particular – to think that they are not ready for it".

Alternatively, Mr Zelensky may be hoping "to pressure the West into delivering more advanced and more offensive – rather than defensive – weaponry" to increase Ukraine's chances of success.

"It could also be that they are trying to manage and downplay expectations as the sentiment in the Western media at times is that the so-called spring offensive will deliver a devastating blow to the Russian positions and enable the Ukrainian forces to regain territory," he added.

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