Meat processing machines
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Meat processing machines

Jul 21, 2023

Use of unsafe meat processing machines can result in serious injury.

There are a number of imported meat slicing machines used to slice, mince, grind and or tenderise meat and meat products. These machines are often found in takeaway outlets and restaurants and used by butchers and caterers.

The main hazards are:

These are just a few hazards. There may be more!

Importers, designers, suppliers, installers and persons conducting a business or undertaking each have an obligation to ensure that meat processing machinery is safe and without risk to health and safety when used properly. Follow these simple steps to reduce the risks:

These tips are a guide only. Each machine is different and has its own hazards and risks. Consult an engineer, machinery safety specialist or the manufacturer of the meat processing machine to find more about how to reduce the risks associated with operating each machine.

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